My philosophy of life


Most of us have a philosophy or understanding about life that gently guides our behaviours. A way in which we view the world and interact with life around us.

I was recently asked what my philosophy of life is. At the time I couldn't quite articulate it. But with some thought, it's (simply) this: 

Simplicity is beautiful.
How amazing life is if we just open our eyes to it.

This philosophy seems to flow through all that I do. It's there in my work, in our home, in my interactions with others, how I go about and observe life around me. 

I think we often complicate things. And cause ourselves a great deal of frustration and self berating when we don't reach our own expectations. Or don't get what we think we need to be happy. 

We are always looking for a better way and more than what we already have. We are looking to achieve better things or always do things differently. We often feel we should be somewhere else than we presently are. We set this bar of expectation over ourselves and are forever trying to reach it. And we complicate things that really, in their most simplest and original form, are often beautiful as they are. 

I do it myself. I find that it's when I move away from my core beliefs that I tend to struggle. I feel like I'm fighting within myself, and begin to feel run down. 

It often requires an awareness that I'm complicating what could otherwise be so simple. So I guide myself back on course and soon feel back in balance. Like I'm being true to myself. 

I often look to nature for inspiration. Nature is an example of simplicity in its purest form. It shows us that there are imperfections and chaos, yet nonetheless it's real and beautiful. That a bird with peculiar feathers can still fly through a sky with elegance.  

Our home is rather simple, yet filled with warmth and life. We're not rich by any means, and that's OK, we have all that we need to live comfortably. I feel our home is calm and welcoming, as simple as it is. 

The food I prepare for friends and family is often rather minimal. When we gather it's huddled around our coffee table, or outside at our table sitting on old vintage chairs. 

The way I dress is simple. My beauty routine the same. It takes 15 minutes to get ready and I feel I present myself well. I prefer natural beauty, and hope it inspires my daughter's watching eyes to do the same. 

Our family activities, and those of our children are kept to the lower end. It's often a bike ride along the river, or a play at a local park. Their toys are kept to a minimum and I feel this is helping them to focus for longer. To respect their belongings more and appreciate what they have. 

In my work this philosophy shows up also. My work has always been quite simple in feel. I'm told it has a sense of calm and peace about it that makes me happy to hear. 

I find I tune in more to life these days. I'm not as distracted as I once was. Sure I have my moments. I'm only human! But when I really look - closely at the details in life playing out before me - I see its beauty. I feel it. And look at life in awe. I feel appreciative for all that surrounds me.

There really is so much beauty in simplicity. 

It's there for all of us to enjoy. It's in our everyday and in what we have right now. I believe we can all feel happiness when we approach life with simplicity in mind, and open our eyes to see it.