What to do when life feels overwhelming


We all have those times when the daily demands of life get on top of us. When our 'to do' list is a page long. It can leave us feeling overwhelmed. And unsure where to even begin to gain control over our lives. 

So how do we reach a place of harmony again?

A few ideas:

1. Take a breath

I know it's obvious. But it helps. Pause for a moment and take a few deep breaths. Be still. It will help bring you back to a state that allows you to make a decision with a clear mind. 

2. Simplify

Simplifying helps tremendously when we feel overwhelmed. Quite often it's when we overcomplicate things that it can leave us feeling out of control. 

  • Simplify your routine - cut out unnecessary activities for a while

  • Simplify meals - dinner doesn't need to be overly gourmet every night

  • Simplify your 'to do' list - create a new list with 3 - 4 items only and get them done today. Store the longer list out of site. Keep doing this daily until it reduces the number of items on the list.

  • Let perfectionism slide - things don't need to be immaculate and perfectly done all the time

3. Sit in nature

Nature has a way of helping us feel grounded. Fresh air, trees, water. It's all very calming for our minds and so necessary for our wellbeing. It only needs to be 15 minutes. But go sit somewhere in nature without your phone or distractions and just observe your surrounding. Gently notice what you see, what you hear, what you feel and smell. Mindfulness can help us feel balanced. 

4. Move

For some (myself included), vigorous exercise can help calm your mind and bring clarity. When I run I find it lifts my mood, I'm more productive and able to make clearer decisions. 

5. Organise

When you feel overwhelmed choose one area to organise that is a little out of control. It might be your work desk, a pile of paperwork or the washing basket. Getting through an area and organising it can be the motivation you need to tackle the other items that need doing. 

6. Map out your current situation

Sometimes it helps to sit in quiet and write down all those areas that feel overwhelming. The areas that are causing you to feel heavy and weighed down. And then note down ideas on how you can simplify or rectify those areas so that you can begin to feel lighter again. It gives you an overview of where life is out of balance. With small manageable steps to bring yourself back into harmony. 

Above all, be aware that life isn't always this overwhelming. That you will again feel at ease. Sometimes stepping back from our situation and looking at it gently can provide the clarity we need to move forward.